The “Earth Lab” is the headquarters of our Green Team program, located at 1027 Spain Street in the Marigny, and serves as a live-action model for green infrastructure solutions in an urban setting. The space provides both a community green space and an outdoor learning laboratory where we can explore, test, and demonstrate green technologies that support pollution remediation, soil health, food systems, integrated water resource management and ecosystem regeneration. The goal of the Earth Lab is to improve quality of life in the city by creating the connection for youth and neighborhood residents to become acquainted with these nature-based technologies and the native plants that support them. A bioswale, permeable pavers, rain-water harvesting structures and compost systems are installed on-site and we are currently growing fruits, vegetables, pollinator plants and other native flora. Every Thursday from 4:30-6:30pm, our Green Team collects frozen food scraps from our community for on-site composting in partnership with CompostNOW. We are open to hosting field-trips and partnering for educational events. Email to schedule a visit today!