Chronic Street Flooding, Property Damage , Street Damage, Urban Heat Island effect due to an inordinate amount of concrete producing the need for green additions by removing concrete and asphalt and replacing with community reforestation, stormwater management and Green Infrastructure.
Through public , Private and Community investment, our vision for this project is to develop a multi disciplined Stormwater-Green Infrastructure mitigation system for this 4 square block community . One(1) current business owner has committed $25,000 to the project. Two homeowners have committed 2,500 respectively. We have submitted an application for funding with a local foundation for $60,000. We estimate the total budget for the entire project to be $300,000
Additionally, we strive to maximize the effectiveness of our Green Infrastructure Workforce Development program. We incorporate classroom work using the Center for Watershed Protections Clean Water Certificate program in conjunction with on site Green Infrastructure Installations. Partnering with Local Community Based Non-Profit Organizations as they develop Large Impact Green Infrastructure Projects has given us the opportunity to expand our GI project base.
This project will directly impact the specified neighborhoods by improving stormwater issues, community reforestation, air quality, Long term health outcomes and community resiliency. This project will also foster community engagement through workshops about Green Infrastructure addressing local concerns on climate change, global warming and community revitalization Educating community members on green energy and climate change through hands-on experiential learning Transforming our initial community outreach endeavors into an innovative product that benefits the community members directly and can be adapted to any community and audience Document attendance at events and volunteer participation. Document survey and meeting results. Incorporate feedback, Project data and information will be disseminated through paper reports, social media , email, community meetings and door to door info sessions
This project can be the catalyst to revitalize the current inadequate infrastructure, improve public health outcomes and engage residents, local business owners and community stakeholders to develop resilient communities.